
Analyze more efficiently: Multi-line charts with multiple axes for your IoT data

Raphaela Brückl

The new multi-line charts make it possible to display several data series simultaneously - now even with several independent y-axes. This extension makes it possible to display complex relationships between different data sources in a single diagram, which is particularly valuable when monitoring high-voltage systems.

Multidimensional analyses made easy

With the new multi-line chart function, you can now visualize several data series in a single chart and thus better understand trends and correlations across different data sets. 

Particularly practical: the option of using several independent y-axes. This allows, for example, voltage and current data to be displayed in a single diagram without losing the scaling.

Multilinechart Copy

Individual customization of the diagrams

As in our previous chart updates, the focus on the multilie-charts is also on maximum customizability. You can select specific data for each axis, adjust colors for the individual lines and define the axis scaling individually. This allows you to create meaningful charts that are tailored to your needs.


  • Real-time machine monitoring: For example, track the speeds of several motors on your machine in parallel and compare their performance.

  • Voltage monitoring in the mechanical engineering industry: When monitoring power systems, the display of voltage across the three-phase conductors (3-phase power grid) is a frequently used scenario. With the new multi-line charts, you can visualize the voltage values for all three phases as well as the total current in a single diagram. This provides a comprehensive overview of the power supply to your machines and systems and enables precise monitoring.



With the new multi-line charts, we offer you the opportunity to visualize complex data simply and understandably. This extension helps you to gain comprehensive insights from your IoT data and make more informed decisions.

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