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Autonoma platform updates
Version 162
Released on February 28, 2024, 16:10๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced our homepage for better user experience.
Version 161
Released on February 28, 2024, 09:56๐ฃ Changes
- Fixed issue with an undefined stylesheet for improved stability.
Version 160
Released on February 28, 2024, 09:23๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed machine display issues across accounts.
Version 159
Released on February 27, 2024, 10:44๐ New features
- Introducing Custom Export: Personalize your data exports effortlessly.
Version 158
Released on February 26, 2024, 22:40๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue causing re-login screen loops for already logged users.
๐ฃ Changes
- Reduced account requests for streamlined user experience.
- Default theme now aligns with server settings for a seamless experience.
- Enhanced stability: Now auto-reloads page on account switch errors.
Version 157
Released on February 26, 2024, 00:54๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed unit persistence in data streams when adding new variables.
๐ New features
- New unit selection for data streams: Power consumption in kWh now available.
- Extended Balena API for enhanced machine integration.
๐ฃ Changes
- User invite mail now includes account name for clarity.
Version 156
Released on February 23, 2024, 10:09๐ New features
- Introduced 'move' method for device inputs & metadata with path navigation.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with account switching on the overview page.
๐ฃ Changes
- Updated Mail Notification Channel for enhanced email alerts.
Version 155
Released on February 21, 2024, 13:25๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue where the design from previous accounts was carried over.
- We fixed the issue with email feedback link not redirecting after account switch.
- We fixed translation issues in notification triggers.
๐ฃ Changes
- Account switch now retains query params on notification redirection.
Version 154
Released on February 20, 2024, 12:05๐ฃ Changes
- UI optimizations
Version 153
Released on February 20, 2024, 00:31๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue where SVG logos break theme creation.
- We fixed an issue where new stream items initially lacked full functionality.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved help center article load times with a temporary fix.
Version 152
Released on February 19, 2024, 10:01๐ New features
- Introducing Global Search: Find and view data across your platform effortlessly.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue with adding a user to all accounts.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved editorJS loading speed to enhance user experience.
Version 151
Released on February 15, 2024, 09:15๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed auto-enablement of user notification triggers by default.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved findChannels function for better search accuracy.
Version 150
Released on February 13, 2024, 14:05๐ New features
- Now customize helpcenter with list & info panel plugins!
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved the invite experience for smoother onboarding.
- Improved File Discovery Interface for Enhanced Navigation
Version 149
Released on February 10, 2024, 00:41๐ New features
- New Feature: Enhance your DCP with our latest Map Integration! Satellite images can now be used.
Version 148
Released on February 9, 2024, 09:48๐ฃ Changes
- Temporary fix for null pointer issue in notification themes.
Version 147
Released on February 9, 2024, 09:06๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced UI performance & reliability.
Version 146
Released on February 8, 2024, 14:25๐ New features
- New: Help center now supports custom widget rendering - enhance with list & info panel plugins!
- Now visible: Real issue IDs in the portal for easy team sync and tracking.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed app notifications linking correctly to API endpoints.
Version 145
Released on February 7, 2024, 09:01๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced Helpcenter navigation with tree fixes for better user experience.
- Enhanced Theme.php for improved interface aesthetics and functionality.
Version 144
Released on February 6, 2024, 11:29๐ฃ Changes
- Updated .gitlab-ci.yml for enhanced CI/CD workflows.
- Updated .gitlab-ci.yml for enhanced CI/CD process efficiency.
- Now serve your app icon directly via a new endpoint for enhanced branding.
๐ New features
- New feature: Test apple touch icon added for better mobile experience.
Version 143
Released on February 6, 2024, 08:45๐ New features
- Now view all inquiries from main and sub-accounts in one place!
Version 142
Released on February 6, 2024, 07:09๐ New features
- New Feature: Missing translation detector now available!
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue with email validation when adding new members.
- We fixed the issue with state translation in streams.
๐ฃ Changes
- Minor adjustments for smoother operation.
- Enhanced diagnostics with new debug log feature.
- Optimized build process with updated .gitlab-ci.yml for enhanced performance.
- Updated .gitlab-ci.yml for enhanced CI/CD performance.
- Enhanced CI/CD efficiency with updated .gitlab-ci.yml.
Version 141
Released on February 5, 2024, 11:33๐ New features
- New feature: Dashboards now support copy-paste functionality for easier customization.
- Introducing Missing Translation Detector, enhancing global user experience.
๐ฃ Changes
- Integrated translation finder command in deployment, enhancing localization.
- Updated .gitlab-ci.yml for enhanced pipeline efficiency.
- Updated .gitlab-ci.yml for optimized CI/CD processes.
Version 140
Released on February 2, 2024, 08:02๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the login mail redirect to ensure the correct design loads.
- We fixed an issue causing browser freeze and crashes when adding users.
Version 139
Released on February 1, 2024, 12:31๐ New features
- New: Custom widgets for lists & info panels in HelpCenter.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced security with new permission checks for component lists.
- Updated Hotspot.vue for enhanced user interaction.
- Enhanced Drag-and-Drop functionality for better user interaction!
- Improved UI performance by optimizing Edit button visibility.
Version 138
Released on January 31, 2024, 11:00๐ New features
- New! Copy-paste dashboards for easier setup & customization.
Version 137
Released on January 26, 2024, 13:01๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed theme selection and color input field issues in subaccount creation.
- Fixed favicon display for custom domains across all help center pages.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved reliability in data upload process.
Version 136
Released on January 24, 2024, 15:40๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced 3D model support for better visualization. Check the updated Threedmodel.php!
Version 135
Released on January 24, 2024, 14:58๐ฃ Changes
- Temporarily removed faulty translation in 3D model placeholder.
Version 134
Released on January 24, 2024, 13:48๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue with broken images not saving and displaying in modals.
- We fixed issues with smartbubbles and text input in datastream formulas.
- We fixed the incorrect labeling issue between modules and connectors.
- We fixed issue where editing a register erased the description.
- We fixed an issue where updating one theme inadvertently changed multiple themes.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved button colors for better usability: Help Center, sidebar, and search results.
- Resolved theme fetching issue on design page.
- Enhanced Upload.php for better performance.
- DataManager.js updated for enhanced performance and reliability.
- Improved account switch efficiency with optimized app remount timing.
๐ New features
- Now customize helpcenter with list & info panel plugins!
Version 133
Released on January 22, 2024, 14:29๐ฃ Changes
- Fixed account switch overlay - improved CSS scoping.
Version 132
Released on January 22, 2024, 10:06๐ New features
- Page reload now seamless on account swap!
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the reset password redirect and blank screen issue.
- We fixed font-style load issue with new account switch.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced MQTT updates with a timeout for refresh account requests.
Version 131
Released on January 8, 2024, 11:14๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced user login flow for seamless access.
Version 130
Released on January 8, 2024, 10:21๐ฃ Changes
- Resolved issue with broken legacy poster images.
Version 129
Released on January 8, 2024, 06:49๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed login redirect for deep link Cloud access.
- We fixed the issue with setting preview images for 3D models.
๐ New features
- New App Icon Badge: Stay updated with visual notifications.
Version 128
Released on December 20, 2023, 10:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- hallรถ
Version 127
Released on December 20, 2023, 08:33๐ฃ Changes
- Temporarily downgraded Three.js for enhanced stability.
Version 126
Released on December 20, 2023, 07:30๐ฃ Changes
- Deprecated three.math function call removed for enhanced performance.
Version 125
Released on December 20, 2023, 05:38๐ฃ Changes
- Now supports quaternion rotations in array format for enhanced modeling.
Version 124
Released on December 19, 2023, 14:16๐ฃ Changes
- Fixed invisible models issue with a new rotation matrix workaround.
Version 123
Released on December 19, 2023, 11:23๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the dropdown issue on Lenovo devices.
- We fixed the status color issue where 'No gateway connected' incorrectly showed green.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved load function for read notifications button.
- Upgraded to latest Three.js for enhanced 3D visualization.
- Optimized 3D rendering: removed TweenJS from ThreeJS subpackage for better performance.
- Enhanced user interface with latest index.vue update.
- Fixed null pointer issue in AR mode check for smoother operations.
- Lowered high shadow map resolution for improved performance.
Version 122
Released on December 15, 2023, 11:29๐ฃ Changes
- Lighting reduced for improved user experience.
Version 121
Released on December 14, 2023, 14:34๐ New features
- Enhanced 3D Scene Lighting for Greater Visuals
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the notification center width issue on mobile devices.
๐ฃ Changes
- Reinstated language flag path changes for enhanced user experience.
- Enhanced visuals with updated shadow map size.
Version 120
Released on December 14, 2023, 09:25๐ฃ Changes
- Reverted recent lighting & shadow changes to enhance user experience.
Version 119
Released on December 14, 2023, 08:50๐ฃ Changes
- New update: Missing environment map added to DCP.
Version 118
Released on December 13, 2023, 14:54๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed a bug where notification count didn't update after deletion without a refresh.
- We fixed the missing language flags in the edit translations modal.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved notification badge refresh.
Version 117
Released on December 13, 2023, 02:19๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed Help Center indentation & improved bullet point visuals for clarity.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced file 2.vue for improved functionality.
Version 116
Released on December 12, 2023, 13:51๐ฃ Changes
- Resolved issue with Lindner template. Experience seamless functionality!
Version 115
Released on December 11, 2023, 08:14๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed Help Center indent alignment & improved bullet point visuals.
๐ฃ Changes
- Disabled vertex colors in 3D scenes for enhanced performance.
Version 114
Released on December 6, 2023, 08:00๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the QR Code links to reflect the current theme/URL.
Version 113
Released on December 5, 2023, 08:00๐ New features
- New feature: Access real-time data with 'Show Data' in the Datastream submenu.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the timestamp in the last value widgets for clarity.
- We fixed the chart to immediately show alarm thresholds after creation or update.
- We fixed QR Code links to match the current theme/url.
๐ฃ Changes
- New update: Added missing translations for asset creation.
- Fixed issue causing corrupted calls in platform.
Version 112
Released on November 23, 2023, 15:41๐ New features
- New! Download SSH Certificates directly from Gateway Detail page. Limited to internal users only.
Version 111
Released on November 23, 2023, 14:15๐ New features
- Introducing Material Editor for ModelViewer - Customize visuals easily!
Version 110
Released on November 22, 2023, 00:32๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue ensuring dialogues in line charts close properly.
๐ฃ Changes
- Fixed a critical permission bug enhancing platform security.
Version 109
Released on November 21, 2023, 10:13๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed final bugs from the first testing round of new release management.
Version 108
Released on November 20, 2023, 07:27๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced AR mode: Now includes 'path' attribute for models.
Version 107
Released on November 17, 2023, 10:11๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where assets weren't displayed after staying in the current account.
Version 106
Released on November 16, 2023, 13:04๐ New features
- Introducing Material Editor in ModelViewer for enhanced customization.
๐ฃ Changes
- Updated VerneMQ API Key for enhanced security & integration.
Version 105
Released on November 14, 2023, 13:14๐ New features
- New Feature: Get directed to the correct account with enriched notifications.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed grouped notifications layout issue.
- We fixed notification re-verification for failed instances.
- New update fixes user profile picture upload glitches.
Version 104
Released on November 14, 2023, 07:20๐ New features
- New feature: Get redirected to the correct account from notifications.
Version 103
Released on November 13, 2023, 16:29๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed issues from the first testing round of our new release management.
Version 102
Released on November 13, 2023, 10:33๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed notification delivery for both email and SMS preferences.
Version 101
Released on November 10, 2023, 08:41๐ฃ Changes
- Resolved hardware deployment issue for smoother operations.
Version 100
Released on November 9, 2023, 16:09๐ New features
- New notifyAll function in notificationService: now supports single or multiple users.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue with language flags resetting after deployment.
- We fixed the Notification Center issue occurring with zero messages.
- We fixed an issue where user's last login date was not displaying.
Version 99
Released on November 9, 2023, 10:44๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where the hotspot metadata modal opened multiple times.
Version 98
Released on November 8, 2023, 14:24๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed issue with iOS AR Models not functioning on iOS 17.
Version 97
Released on November 8, 2023, 09:31๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue preventing datastream selection for hotspots in 3D models.
Version 96
Released on November 8, 2023, 08:23๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue preventing datastream selection on hotspots in 3D models.
Version 95
Released on November 7, 2023, 14:04๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed password update issue in user profiles.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced user experience in Hotspot.vue
- Updated Metadata.php for enhanced functionality.
- Updated package.json for enhanced performance & stability.
- Enhanced stability with an updated package.json.
- Removed 'bson' package from package.json for optimized performance.
- Updated package.json for enhanced performance and stability.
Version 94
Released on November 3, 2023, 10:30๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed disappearing elements in Roles on window resize.
- We fixed the last login display issue for accurate user online status.
- We fixed an issue where saving edited 3D models was failing.
๐ฃ Changes
- We fixed the terminology from 'Devices' to 'Assets' for clarity.
- Resolved interval import issue for older S7 modules.
- Disabled '/info' functionality for enhanced security.
- Updated Metadata.php for enhanced functionality.
Version 93
Released on November 2, 2023, 07:34๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed final issues from the first test round of the new release process.
๐ New features
- New: Option to disable specific notification channels for recipients.
- Beta Update: Add a 'Request Support' button to 3D model hotspots.
- Enhanced DCP with new, user-requested features for optimal performance.
Version 92
Released on October 31, 2023, 07:36๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed issues from the first testing round of our new release management.
Version 91
Released on October 30, 2023, 16:08๐ฃ Changes
- Updated environment configurations for improved performance.
Version 90
Released on October 30, 2023, 15:43๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the version string input: now accepts free text in release management.
- We fixed issues from the first testing round of our new release management.
Version 89
Released on October 30, 2023, 14:29๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed issues from the first test round of our new release management.
๐ฃ Changes
- Fixed issue with invitator object during account invitations.
Version 88
Released on October 25, 2023, 11:27๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced EditItems.vue for a smoother editing experience.
- Enhanced UI experience on the main page for smoother navigation.
Version 87
Released on October 25, 2023, 11:07๐ฃ Changes
- Improved UI interaction & editing flow in SidebarMenu and EditItems.
Version 86
Released on October 25, 2023, 10:09๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue causing failed notification reports for missed account invites.
Version 85
Released on October 25, 2023, 08:42๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed notification time zone settings for user-specific alerts.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced device MQTT status updates for improved reliability.
Version 84
Released on October 23, 2023, 16:02๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed Notification Center glitches for a smoother experience.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced DataflowModuleController for improved data handling.
Version 83
Released on October 20, 2023, 12:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Hallo :D
Version 82
Released on October 20, 2023, 10:42๐ New features
- Introducing Notification Center & Reports for enhanced alerts & updates management.
Version 81
Released on October 20, 2023, 09:28๐ New features
- Introducing Notification Center & Reports for enhanced alerts!
๐ฃ Changes
- Corrected path for SendNotificationReport command.
- Enhanced system stability by switching queue connection from Redis to Database.
Version 80
Released on October 19, 2023, 08:25๐ฃ Changes
- Updated .env.production for enhanced security and performance.
Version 79
Released on October 17, 2023, 07:52๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the recipient selector issue for seamless user experience.
- We fixed the issue with elements being inaccessible in small windows during feedback/issue creation.
- We fixed excessive whitespace between buttons and modal content in notification settings.
Version 78
Released on October 12, 2023, 06:52๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the permissions issue with PNG preview.
Version 77
Released on October 11, 2023, 11:18๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the permission issue for viewing PNG previews.
- We fixed a glitch preventing the role screen from appearing on first-time user logins.
๐ New features
- Now collapse Helpcenter articles for streamlined reading!
Version 76
Released on October 5, 2023, 16:25๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed missing notification icons after being marked as read.
Version 75
Released on September 26, 2023, 13:20๐ New features
- New Reporting Feature: Visualize data easily. Enhance insights!
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where new datastreams would only appear after a role switch.
- We fixed the issue where updating alerts created duplicate IFTTT rules in the DB.
- We fixed the issue with alarm notifications not being triggered.
- We fixed the Help Center's indent alignment and updated bullet point designs.
Version 74
Released on September 19, 2023, 08:05๐ฃ Changes
- Push subscription messages removed for streamlined notifications.
Version 73
Released on September 19, 2023, 07:41๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed recipient/alarm issues for improved notifications.
- We fixed the update on notification badge & list for new alerts.
- We fixed the issue preventing copy-paste in Windows terminal/bash.
๐ New features
- New floating SSH window feature! Drag, drop & full-screen your connections.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced UX: Recipient list now shows a loading state.
Version 69
Released on September 11, 2023, 11:54๐ฃ Changes
- Removed Telegram check from notification service for streamlined updates.
Version 68
Released on September 7, 2023, 11:36๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced data serialization for improved performance.
Version 67
Released on September 7, 2023, 09:00๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where 'Last Value' of States showed numbers instead of descriptions.
Version 66
Released on September 7, 2023, 05:57๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed recipient selector issues for enhanced usability.
- We fixed the issue where the invitation modal didn't open automatically.
- We fixed a bug where changing notification toggles didn't update the trigger table.
- We fixed picture settings across SMS, push, and email notifications.
- We fixed the issue with missing SMS notifications.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced UI with a fixed header for seamless navigation.
- Corrected a typo for clearer instructions.
Version 65
Released on August 29, 2023, 11:58๐ New features
- New alarming process now live, enhancing system alerts & safety.
๐ฃ Changes
- Improved notification layout & responsiveness across devices.
- Improved interface for enhanced user experience on our DCP.
- Updated DB queue connections for enhanced performance.
- Reverted yarn.lock for improved stability.
- Revoked instances now automatically switch to disabled state.
Version 64
Released on August 16, 2023, 11:57๐ New features
- New: Save or discard changes for Help Center articles before navigating away.
- New Feature: Streamlined alarming process for enhanced monitoring.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced performance by removing generated bootstrap cache files.
Version 63
Released on August 7, 2023, 15:08๐ New features
- New Reporting Feature! Harness enhanced insights & performance metrics.
Version 62
Released on August 7, 2023, 14:26๐ New features
- Enhanced initial load speed with JS file chunking.
- New API requests to Balena added, enhancing developer capabilities.
- Introducing new Reporting Feature for enhanced data insights!
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where alarms were created but not displayed.
- We fixed the 'Create Widgets' permission issue for dashboard enhancements.
- We fixed help center images for better clarity.
๐ฃ Changes
- Enhanced editor functionality with editorjs imports now available.
- Fixed double values zero check for enhanced accuracy.
Version 61
Released on July 18, 2023, 09:09๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue with setting Y-axis limits in linechart visualizations.
Version 60
Released on July 18, 2023, 08:18๐ฃ Changes
- Environment configuration enhancements for smoother operations.
Version 59
Released on July 17, 2023, 22:15๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where sidebar items where not shown correctly through a timing problem
- Fixed a bug where datastreams where displayed multiple times after reordering
๐ New features
- New KPI's again! Now the sum duration can also be displayed as percentage and the new difference KPI calculates correct deltas of linear datastreams. (e.g.: operating hours)
- Automatic datastream type conversions. If the type of a datastream is changed (e.g.: from text to int) we will now try to convert the data correctly to prevent dataloss and give all the benefits of analytics through KPI's
- New state widget for dashboards! Display current states on dashboards with a breeze.
- New Login background images provide a more professional appearance, adapted to the current theme automatically.
- Activated feedback emails for comments on feedback tickets
- We improved theming again! Our users are now able to create App icons and splashscreens automatically! We provide delightful templates for all kind of logo variations to give a nice set to select from.
๐ฃ Changes
- An optimised internal data manager gives performance speed on state data
Version 58
Released on July 17, 2023, 22:10๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed partially wrong perspective of rendered hotspot images
๐ New features
- More KPI's! We introduced State KPI's to analyze states of plants even more effectively. Now available: Min duration, max duration, sum duration, average durations and count of occurrences.
๐ฃ Changes
- Aggregation KPI's are now updated correctly on live data
- The click on modal backdrops does not close the modal anymore on complex modals
Version 57
Released on July 17, 2023, 22:05๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed a problem where KPI's where replaced with live data
- 3D Models are now always turned correctly in renderings
- Fixed a bug where a subaccount was still existing after deleting
- Fixed a bug where wrong account roles where loaded occasionally
- Middle mouse click on search results now works as expected
- Fixed a problem where a user could not be invited through the create subaccount process
๐ฃ Changes
- 3D model uploads are now giving additional feedback to match the uploading process
- 3D models have a new option to define the original axis orientation (XY or XZ) to improve imports
Version 56
Released on July 17, 2023, 21:55๐ New features
- New state chart visualisation! With a huge performance boost, we can now offer a unique experience analyzing states of all different kinds. Through smart aggregation it is now possible to get an overview of longer timeranges with the well known feature of intuitive zooming by clicking or dragging.
- If a 3D is processed, the user receives a push notifications
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed some visualisation problems of the connection area of gateways
- Pending calls are now closed after 5 minutes if the call was quit unexpectedly (Browser crash, internet connection loss, etc)
- Fixed a bug where sorting of table columns did not work
๐ฃ Changes
- Enabled the AR mode for iPad Pro's
- Account selection in the top navigation is now structured to match the actual subaccount structure
- Live Notification (Bottom right corner) can now be linked
Version 55
Released on July 17, 2023, 21:50๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed role selector in top navigation, now only the available roles for the active account can be selected
๐ฃ Changes
- Stabilized Online status for gateways with fallback mechanism
- General stability increased
๐ New features
- Search is now better than ever! With a more performant fuzzy search and enriched with images it is now much easier to search for assets and gateways!
Version 54
Released on June 14, 2023, 11:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed a problem where beta features were not shown to beta users correctly
- Fixed a small problem with deleting Accounts
- Fixed a problem where roles were not shown correctly
Version 53
Released on June 8, 2023, 21:46๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Stabilized datastream deployment
๐ New features
- New KPI: The new Delta KPI calculates the difference between the first and the last value of the selected timerange
Version 52
Released on May 25, 2023, 20:45๐ฉน Bug fixes
- When editing user details (e.g. name, phone etc.), the changes are now reflected in the UI immediatley
- When creating a new account and trying to select an existing base theme, a preview of the base theme is shown, but there was no selector/select list to actually choose a theme.
- Server Error was shown under certain situations when inviting a new account
- User online status on account page was incorrect
- Fixed minor UI problems on the feedback form
- Fixed UI display problems if zoomed in
- Fixed scrolling problem if zoomed in
- Fixed a problem where gateways were not loaded on the first time
- Flags were not shown on translatable input fields
- Account roles were not set correctly after account creation
- Fixed a problem where inviting a (new) user to an account caused a server error
- Some delete modals (e.g. delete user, delete helpcenter article) refered to "Device" in their confirmation message.
- Datapoints toggling on 3D models was not working sometimes
- If a 3D model was rotated, the rendered images was rotated wrong
- Progress bar did not match the current status on loading 3D models
- Default name and description on QR codes was "null"
- Fixed device search bug
- Fixed a bug where language selector was not up-to-date
- If service calls are canceled unexpectedly, they are now closed automatically after few minutes
- Default open setting on datastream groups were not saved properly
- Icon intersected with text in input fields
- Small typos fixed
๐ New features
- Auto translations can now be approved
- "Your bug was resolved" emails now contain a link to the ticket
- Added table view for gateways containing online/offline state, account and much more
- Images can now drag and dropped into report problem/ request feature field
- Service calls are now also possible on mobile phones
- Refactored datastream detail page: We refactored the detailpage to provide better usability and overview
- Added KPI's: KPI's like sum, average, min, count.... can now be added per datastream Click here to find out more
- Emojis can now be used in service support chats
- Translations: Custom content like names, descriptions and much more can now be translated! Automatic translations help in an easy to use way. With the new translation manager. Click here to find out more
- Dashboards: We refactored the whole dashboard area with a new interactive way of configuring widgets and the possibility to ad KPI's. Click here to find out more
- Comments on datastreams: If there are any incidents, comments can be added now to datatsreams
- Missing datapoints are now shown as disconnected lines in charts
๐ฃ Changes
- Metadata of type user, geo and link can now be connected within hotspots
- Improved rendering perspective for hotspots
- QR code creation is now more stable
- Name of QR codes is now used as filename
- The color of certain elements in the QR Code PDF were wrong
- The current url is now added after creating feedback for better support
- Adapted 3D model upload success message
- Feedback form supports now multiple files
- Generated QR code URL's are now using custom subdomains
- Rernamed "edit device" to "edit asset"
- Improved auto quality selection on 3D model load
- User can now only be added once to accounts
- Refactored online status indicator of gateways
Version 51
Released on March 29, 2023, 13:27๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the generation of module configurations did not work
- Fixed some bugs where service calls from mobile phones did not work
๐ฃ Changes
- Giving us feedback or submitting a bug now supports multiple images
- Added more stability for the user invite process
- Notification triggers are now hidden on the profile page, as they don't provide any benefit to the customers (yet)
- Removed "Delete user" button
Version 50
Released on March 6, 2023, 10:39๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed issue when updating Asset details
๐ฃ Changes
- Merge the data synchronisation banner into the existing notification list
Version 49
Released on March 3, 2023, 09:59๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed problem where Icons were displaced in input fields
- Fixed potential wrong mail design in subaccounts
- Fixed potential wrong mail account in subaccounts
๐ New features
- Personal access tokens are now available! They can be used to query our API without the need of a username and password and makes API queries much more secure.
๐ฃ Changes
- We are now additionally salting our user sessions for more security
- Changed default hotspot rendering perspective
- Linked online status of assets in the overview with the gateway online status
- Small design adaptions
Version 48
Released on February 26, 2023, 00:39๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed user permission problem
- Fixed problem where realtime data connection was unstable
Version 47
Released on February 22, 2023, 01:11๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Dashboards are now more stable
- Fixed an error where buttons in tables did not work
- Fixed copy/paste problems in the gateway terminal
- Fixed an edge case where new objects where created multiple times
- Sometimes text wasn't shown because of a opacity issue
๐ New features
- Feature requests! Ideas and suggestions can now be sent in and tracked.
- Ticket mails: If reported bugs are fixed and deployed, the reporting user gets an email notification.
- Added description to datastreams and on dashboard widgets
๐ฃ Changes
- Dashboards can now be renamed
- We improved the speed of the platform tremendously
- App is now more responsive on mobile phones
Version 46
Released on January 1, 1970, 00:00๐ฉน Bug fixes
- We optimized the data synchronization. UI updates should now be more reliable.
- Fixed problem where dashboard widgets were created multiple times
๐ฃ Changes
- Dashboards can now be edited through an edit button.
- OPC UA Discovery service now adds the path of variables for better distinctiveness
Version 45
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- CSV data export of asset data just landed! You can now export all of your assets data in a convenient and fast way!
๐ฃ Changes
- Gateway names can now be edited
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed OPC UA Discovery request timeouts
Version 44
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Hello OPC UA Discovery service! Now you can browse your local OPC UA datatrees right from your office!
๐ฃ Changes
- Added image caching for faster loading speeds.
- More reliable gateway online status
- Added alternative update cycle if MQTT connection not stable
- Rows in tables are now clickable.
- Added "Request videosupport" button to assets
- We use now the MQTT timestamp for gateway "online since" status
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- More stable MQTT connection
- Fix misspelled mail template
- SSH Terminal view is now working more reliable
- Fixed code editor bugs
- Fix log in problem when no user item is available in local storage
Version 43
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฃ Changes
- Clean code great code! Removed old parts and refactored some areas.
- Module Management: Added validation for module config editor
- Set active account when inviting (new) users to an account
- Admin role is now added by default to new subaccounts
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed module management bugs
- 3D viewer: fixed misleading error message for valid step files
- General: Prevent cutoff of container inside a tab navigation
- General: Fixed selection of user roles after login
- Account management: Fixed various account/user management bugs
- Account management: Fixed password reset
- Account management: Fixed role creation
Version 42
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Module management is out now! A special place for external developers to create, manage and deploy custom data connectors on the edge!
๐ฃ Changes
- The local datamanager can now filter elements. This results in faster loading speeds for distinct requests.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed possible wrong assignment of tags
- Fixed visibility of nested context menu
Version 41
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed a potential problem where structured datastreams could not be loaded correctly
- Fixed bugs with inline notifications
Version 40
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Table columns can now be filtered by date!
- Service center is now available! Receive support calls from your customers, right inside Autonoma's plattform. All without the need of any additional app. And if nobody can answer a call, the customer can create a written request with mail notifications.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed structured device inputs when input was not available in local DB
Version 39
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฃ Changes
- Added file selects for both single model files and folders
- 3D Viewer: Convert 3D model chunk from blob to file
- 3D Viewer: Uploading big 3D files is now more stable
- 3D Viewer: add model load mapping for step and stp files
- Datastreams: Topics are now autogenerated by default
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- 3D Viewer: Better error handling if parsing fails
- 3D Viewer: Add correct header when uploading 3D model chunks
- Account theme: Fixed minor bugs
- Data Preprocessor: Fixed bug with data bubbles
- Data preprocessor: Fixed problem where preview didn't work
- Minor small improvements
Version 38
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed minor account theme related bugs
- Added missing state component for hotspots input streams of type state
- Fixed broken QR code image
Version 37
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Beta user can now see the online status of other users!
- Say hello to tags! User can now be tagged for better feature flagging.
๐ฃ Changes
- Started with preperation of generic model inheritance. This enables our customers in the future to create templates out of everything!
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor styling issues
Version 36
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Account Theme: Added theme inheritance! Account themes can now be reused in subaccounts.
- Account Theme: Added extended theme editor options! Now you can change the Favicons and also the App Icons!
๐ฃ Changes
- Updated our upload component with support for multiple files and more file formats.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Account Theme: Fixed Colorpicker opening issues
- Account Theme: More stable URL parsing
- Account Theme: Fixed wrong logo image paths
Version 35
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฃ Changes
- 3D Model viewer: Added permissions for 3D models, hotspots and renderings
- Redesigned the breadcrumbs
๐ New features
- New tables! Our new tables are now capable of displaying information in a more structured way and enables our users to filter, search, order, export data and much more!
- Adding roles: Roles can now be added per account.
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Data simulator: Fixed strange behavior if the same topic ID's are used on different assets
- S7 Connector: Streams are now added automatically
- Gateway management: Fixed wrong display of offline status
- Asset details: Fixed overflowing text in detail page
- Minor styling fixes
- Account management: Fixed missing display of members count
- Dropdowns: Fixed bug on mobile devices
- 3D viewer: Fixed usability bugs of hotspots on android
- 3D viewer: Minor usability fixes
Version 34
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฃ Changes
- 3D Model viewer: If there is only a single model in a scene, the model is focused automatically
๐ New features
- Structured data: State of groups (open or closed) can now be defined as default state
- 3D Model viewer: Huge models are now better optimized for iOS AR mode
- 3D Model viewer: If models are too big for the end device, an automatic fallback to more compressed versions is now active
- Module deployment: If a device was configured with a configuration, this is now saved and can be used the next time without uploading an old configuration again
- Module deployment:If the same PLC is used as target, the old configurations are now merged for better edge device performance
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor problems
- Asset overview: Device inputs were not deleted properly after deletion
- Module deployment: Added stability for S7 configuration deployment
- Permissions: Updated checks for creation and modification of datastreams and dashboards
- Fixed realtime value animation bug
- 3D Model viewer: Fixed progress label, loading percentages are now more realistic
- 3D Model viewer: Fixed render path
- 3D Model viewer: Fixed bug with model upload preview
- 3D Model viewer: Fixed raycasting hotspots in AR space
- 3D Model viewer: Fixed AR scenes with hotspots in Android
- 3D Model viewer: Fixed world position for AR models
- Structured data: Fixed default open state bug
Version 33
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฃ Changes
- S7 Module configuration: More TIA portal exports are now supported
- S7 Module configuration: Imported possible streams are now stored permanently
๐ New features
- Data streams: Added grouping and structuring
- Grouping: Added default state for groups
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- 3D Viewer: Added loading state for AR button
- 3D Viewer: Quality fallback in case of slow hardware
- Account Management: Switch to new created Subaccount after creation
- Account Management: Converting SVG theme logos automatically to .png format
Version 32
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Data streams: The result of a calculation can now be previewed
- Data streams: Both, live data and custom data can be used as calculation preview to check algorithms
- Data streams: If there is a syntax error in formulas, a technical - but at least - descriptive error will be shown
- Dataprocessor: Dataprocessing streams are now updated faster after changes
- Dataprocessor: Performance improved significantly
- Dataprocessor: All possible methods are now whitelisted, others will throw an error
- Dataprocessor: Indirect referenced streams are now calculated correctly
- Account management: Administrator can now reset the password for their users
- Account management: User can now reset their password on the login page
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Hidden Link on the Loginpage disappeared
- Fixed an error that was triggered when retrieving data from an empty data stream
- Fixed an error that caused invitation mails not to be sent
- 3D viewer: Added missing light setup for some models
Version 31
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Under some circumstances the wrong design was chosen for user invitation mails
- Fixed an error where a request window was opened after page refresh
- Assets didn't load under special circumstances
Version 30
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- 3D viewer: QR codes can now be generated for individual hotspots. Those can be used to give users a fast way of supplying information
- 3D viewer: A custom cameraview can now be set for hotspots.
- General: Metadata groups now also shows the number of contained items
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Profile section: Trigger columns are now disabled if notification channel is
- 3D viewer: Uploaded files to hotspots are now shown correctly
- 3D viewer: Fixed QR code PDF rendering
- 3D viewer: Download progress indicator is more realistic
- General: In fullscreen mode the sidebar is now also shown on Mac
- General: Screen resizing doesn't cause layout break anymore
- General: Visiting security insights does not cause layout problems anymore
- General: Fixed small bug on dropdowns
- Datastreams: Deleting states does now work correctly
- Datastreams: If a calculation was used it can now also be removed
- Assets: Metadata groups are now hidden if there are no items
- User management: Fixed updating issue after inviting user
- User management: Fixed role assignment when new users are invited
- User management: On special occasions user deletion was not possible
- Account management: Custom designs are now set correctly after creating a new subaccount
- Gateway management: If communication channels are switched on a gateway a feedback window is now shown
- Gateway management: Terminal focus was lost after switching tabs, does not occure anymore
- Gateway management: The "more" dropdown on assets modules list does now work again
- Dashboards: Resizing of widgets is now more stable, charts are now adjusted correctly
Version 29
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- New caching system improves speed dramatically
- Background data synchronisation now improves the speed and stability of fetched data
- Active system monitoring is now active and visible through:
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- If an gateway connection is updated, a proper feedback window will now be shown
- 3D viewer: The sidebar is now also shown if user triggers fullscreen mode
- 3D viewer: Preview window size fixed
- 3D viewer: Refactored screen control
- Scrolling wasn't able on some pages
- Notification icon was huge on some occasions
- Personal data changes is now possible without changing first or last name
- Notification icons for email and SMS are now shown correctly
- On some occasions the "add module" dropdown on the assets details page "3D Scene" was shown multiple times.
- It is now possible to remove a calculation in a datastream
- The new asset dialog now closes properly after saving
- Create asset dialog doesn't cause a server error anymore
- Elements in a contextmenu where overflowing in some situations
- Icon color was shown red in some cases
- Search with emojies caused an error
Version 28
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor problems for different screen sizes
Version 27
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Smoother transitions between pages
Version 26
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- We added the input type impulse! With this subtype you can trigger an event for 1,5 seconds. Similar to On/Off switches that goes back to off automatically.
๐ฃ Changes
- We improved the navigation on smartphones
Version 25
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- We added new alarm email layouts. Those embed the historical data as picture for a better understanding.
- From now on you can set thresholds on your data and get notified via email! Go to any datastream and create your notifications now.
- Upload your own .gltf/.glb 3D models and show them to your customers instantly via browser or augmented reality!
- You can now add hotspots to 3D models by just clicking on the 3D model and add important information like maintenance links or real time data.
- Realtime data can now be linked via hotspots and object metadata
- Hotspots can now be extended by adding links to other 3D models (Like more detailed subparts)
- Threshold level are now displayed in charts for a faster identification of problems
๐ฃ Changes
- Deployments of new version needed a downtime of 5 minutes, now they are instant
Version 24
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Assets can now be viewed on a map, based on geo metadata
- Geodata can now be added to metadata through physical addresses with autocomplete
- User can now switch between a panel and a map view on the device overview.
- Gauge charts can now be added to dashboards
- Last value charts can now be added to dashboards
๐ฃ Changes
- Changed layout for streams on the device overview page. Works now better on mobile phones.
- A problem with panels partially not visible was fixed
Version 23
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- New translation engine for even more customisable translations
- Last values are now animated in popups. This helps to focus and helps rating value changes.
- The current user is now also authenticated on our homepage. This enables new thrilling features un the future!
๐ฃ Changes
- Upgraded our LoRa servers to the newest version
Version 22
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Alpha release of our digital twin representation for our test users. Want to see it live? Send us a message and request a demo!
- New metadata fields are now supported! - Textdata, - Userinformation, - Link,
๐ฃ Changes
- We changed the drag handler of widgets to enable zooming on dashboards too.
- Added custom message bus credentials for browsers. Communication is now more secure and more reliable. The green light on the top signals if live data is receivable in realtime.
- Fixed a problem where the data on dashboards was not loaded correctly.
- Adding a widget does no load the widget right from the start,
Version 21
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Widget can now be added to a dashboard
- Widget can now be deleted
- We added a new endpoint to our API for getting the last value of a stream
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Streams are now also updated on message arrival if they are created new or when no values are available
- Fixed a bug that caused dashboards to ignore a padding
Version 20
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Sending values manual can now be activated for text and number streams
๐ฉน Bug fixes
- If streams are edited, the changes are now shown immediately in the device overview.
- Fixed favicon
Version 19
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Added additional security by custom event bus credentials per user session.
Version 18
Released on January 1, 1970, 00:00๐ฉน Bug fixes
- Bug
Version 18
Released on February 9, 2023, 13:22๐ New features
- Deployments will be faster and more often
- Fixed a bug where the deployment pipeline broke...
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