Automatic account switching process
Why switch accounts?
As a user, you often have the option of accessing multiple accounts. A good example of this is companies that have their own accounts, but also need access to the accounts of their customers or partners. These accounts are often used for the maintenance and monitoring of systems or for support. As a dealer or service provider, you can not only view the accounts of your customers and partners in this way, but also manage them efficiently. This enables a faster response to customer inquiries and better coordination of maintenance and support activities.
Previously, switching accounts on different devices was a tedious task: you had to manually log in on each device. Now Autonoma simplifies this process significantly with automated account switching across all devices and browsers.
Intelligent synchronization across devices
With Autonoma, manual switching is a thing of the past. The digital customer platform now automatically recognizes when you switch accounts on a device. It then immediately sends a notification to all other connected active devices.
Automated query when switching accounts
As soon as you switch accounts on one of your devices, a window opens on the other active devices with a crucial question: Do you want to switch accounts here too?
The change is made automatically without notification if a device is inactive. This guarantees that your devices always remain synchronized and simplifies the process considerably.
If you accept the request, the device will automatically switch accounts. If you decline, however, the current account remains active. This means you always retain control over when a switch takes place.
The advantages at a glance
- Efficiency: No more manual account changes.
- Security: Synchronized accounts avoid open, insecure sessions.
- User-friendliness: A seamless, pleasant user experience, regardless of the number of devices you use.
Autonoma seamlessly adapts to user behavior with innovative account switching, similar to leading software systems. This not only makes the digital experience safer and more user-friendly but also more efficient.
By automatically synchronizing account switching across different devices and browsers, Autonoma offers a solution that is both efficient and user-friendly. The ability to seamlessly switch between different accounts without having to manually intervene each time improves the user experience. Autonoma thus strengthens the digital competence of companies and individuals by ensuring security, control and efficiency in the management of accounts.
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