
Updates to your helpcenter - your tool for efficient support

Raphaela Brückl

Autonoma's Helpcenter acts as a central point of contact where your customers can find all relevant information about the platform. It has recently been enhanced with a number of functionalities to provide you and your customers with even better support when searching for solutions. 

Intelligent account switching and personalized content

You can now switch between your different accounts within the Helpcenter. If you manage multiple accounts, you can now navigate seamlessly between them and find the relevant information you need without any detours. 

On the start page of the Helpcenter, users will now find a structured view that displays not only the articles specific to their account, but also shared content from higher-level accounts. This hierarchical display provides a clear overview and helps users to quickly locate the information they are looking for.

Accountswitch Helpcenter En

Direct links to important sections

For specific questions, specific sections of a Helpcenter article can be shared. This facilitates collaboration and communication within the teams, as it is possible to refer directly to relevant passages without having to search through the entire article.

Link Paragraphs

Secure access and clear navigation

Access to account-specific articles is also secure. Only logged-in users with the appropriate authorizations can access such content. If a user is not logged in or does not have the required rights, they receive a clear message with a message to log in or to clarify their authorizations with the administrator. This strict control protects company data and ensures that only authorized persons have access.



The latest updates to Autonoma's Helpcenter continuously optimize the user experience. The new structure and additional features allow users to access the resources they need faster and in a more targeted way. The introduction of secure access and the sharing of specific sections of articles promote efficient and secure use of the Help Center.

Overall, these innovations represent a significant improvement that not only increases user satisfaction, but also supports user productivity and effectiveness.

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